For a day that started with both of us feeling sick, yesterday was great! We got a later start than we had intended because we were both feeling like we had a stomach bug of some sort. We ended up leaving the hotel a little after 7:30, and pedaled on! Soon the stomachs were much better, and we made decent time the rest of the day... Especially after I had that 5 Hour Energy around noon. I think Nevin was quite amazed at my abilities at that point. :) We did have about a 15-17 mile section of trail that was really rough, and that slowed us down quite a bit, but otherwise the day went great!
The temp was perfect all day! It was b-e-a-utiful. In the afternoon, we saw/heard a thunderstorm up ahead, so we packed all the electronics in ziploc bags, and rode like the wind toward the storm! :) We ended up needing to turn shortly before arriving at the storm, and only caught a few drops of rain at the very edge of it.
I continue to be amazed at people we talk to who don't seem to have seen a map of North America. We had stopped along the trail to read a poster about a 1933 local bank robbery, and a man rode up to us and wondered where we're headed.
N: Canada.
He: Where did you start from?
N: LaGrange, Indiana
He: So are you going up around Lake Superior or over and up through through Michigan?
Um... can someone explain to me how it would make sense to ride from Indiana to the middle of Wisconsin, then go through Michigan from there to get to Ontario? Am I the one who needs to look at a map? I guess we could technically still go through Michigan from here to get to Ontario, but I'm still not sure why we would have come through Wisconsin first if we were going to do that. :)
And now I need to get moving and ready to leave!
Enjoy the pics...

The temp was perfect all day! It was b-e-a-utiful. In the afternoon, we saw/heard a thunderstorm up ahead, so we packed all the electronics in ziploc bags, and rode like the wind toward the storm! :) We ended up needing to turn shortly before arriving at the storm, and only caught a few drops of rain at the very edge of it.
I continue to be amazed at people we talk to who don't seem to have seen a map of North America. We had stopped along the trail to read a poster about a 1933 local bank robbery, and a man rode up to us and wondered where we're headed.
N: Canada.
He: Where did you start from?
N: LaGrange, Indiana
He: So are you going up around Lake Superior or over and up through through Michigan?
Um... can someone explain to me how it would make sense to ride from Indiana to the middle of Wisconsin, then go through Michigan from there to get to Ontario? Am I the one who needs to look at a map? I guess we could technically still go through Michigan from here to get to Ontario, but I'm still not sure why we would have come through Wisconsin first if we were going to do that. :)
And now I need to get moving and ready to leave!
Enjoy the pics...
Ride, ride like the wind! :) You guys are doing so great!!! I'm quite proud of you! Beautiful pics